Well, today is our 5 month anniversary on our mission. In some ways it is speeding by; in other ways it is moving pretty slow. We are very engaged in the work, and are so happy when we see progress being made. We also feel very heavy in our hearts when someone decides that they don’t want to continue being an active member or choose not to attend church. It seems that when we need the Lord the most, we are at church every week, we pray every day, we read our scriptures daily, and we are open to receive the help we need from a loving Heavenly Father.
Once our trials have passed, we fall back into our old ways and forget the Lord and his love and support for us. We are learning a lot more about life, about people, and about a Loving Heavenly Father.
This week we had the opportunity to be trained in a Zone Conference with President McMullin. It was a great experience and we learned so much. We had to leave a little early because part of the Conference was to pair up with the branch leaders and visit members or investigators. It is so great to associate with great Elder and Sister missionaries. We visited three families that evening and enjoyed meeting a few new people.
On Thursday we had a Relief Society meeting with the Sisters here in the branch. We had printed up about 60 invitations, announced it for several weeks, and invited many to come. We had 10 sisters attend, including Hna Cranney but it was a good start. We plan to hold a meeting every month for just the Sisters. Next month we plan to show them the General Women’s Conference from the last General Conference.
On Friday evening we were asked to join many of the youth of the branch in a Home Evening with an investigator. We were asked to provide the lesson the restauracion, and we had a good interactive discussion. We stayed and talked while we had refreshments. Cheryl made Peanut butter bars with chocolate frosting - yummy. We are going to try and post a video (poor video quality but good sound) of the youth speaking in Gurani. It is a very pretty and expressive language, but hard to learn.
Saturday we had Walter Arce come over to the house to help me varnish some of our wood furniture. We sanded and varnished, then watched the paint dry and sanded and varnished again. ![](webkit-fake-url://60CCDBF0-2F2A-44CF-9C49-3F62F72692A1/imagejpeg)
They turned out pretty well. We then went out to a friends place to get some roses, a hydrangea, and some lumber to hold the shade for our garden. The sun is so hot here that it fries most everything in the garden if you don’t provide some shade. We have the materials but have not finished the installation.
They turned out pretty well. We then went out to a friends place to get some roses, a hydrangea, and some lumber to hold the shade for our garden. The sun is so hot here that it fries most everything in the garden if you don’t provide some shade. We have the materials but have not finished the installation.
Saturday evening we participated in a Young Women activity in which the YW President, Daisy Duarte, introduced the girls to the YW Program including Personal Progress. About 5 girls attended and Daisy did a great job She more than explained the program, she also taught why this program is so important to these Young Women.
Sunday was busy, with a visit to Rama 1 in Concepcion, a Sunday School lesson, a talk in church, a District Presidency Meeting, Lunch with the District President, and that evening back in Horqueta a lesson for the Missionary Prep class. What a wonderful day.
We had the missionaries join us today for a Bolivian mean for lunch - one of the Elders is a bolivian from Utah. We had hamburger steaks, rice, potatoes, salads, and cookies for dessert. The internet at the church was down so we let both sets of missionaries use our laptops and internet for their weekly emails.
We are doing fine….busy, healthy, enjoying the people, and loving our branch members. We are trying to learn and implement activities and programs that will help strengthen them - both personally and in their families.
Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support.
Love - Jerry and Cheryl