Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 7, 2015

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Horqueta 7 December 2015‏

Horqueta 7 December 2015

To: Justin Cranney, Angela Williams, Melissa Sampson Cc: Cheryl Cranney, Karen & Lex Cranney, Don Cranney, Lori Cranney Active View
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1 - Our favorite hamburgers at Lometeria San Lucas.  You can see they wrote their name on the top of the burger in garlic sauce.
2-  A goat resting.
3-  A nursery (Vivero) near our house named Achu.  Especially relevant for those who have allergies or hay fever.  Smiling face with smiling eyes
4- A large, very large red bee on  our flowers this morning.

Greetings to all.   Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayers.  We truly appreciate all that you are doing for us.

This has been another week of cool, rainy days.  It usually starts to rain very early in the morning with lightening, thunder, and heavy rain - starting around 4:00 or 4:30 am.  It rains heavily for several hours, the lightens up and just drizzles after noon.  There is always mud everywhere, and with the high humidity everything we have is damp - towels, clothes, sheets on the bed, all of our books and papers.  Cheryl’s Book or Mormon came loose at the binding and the branch president reglued it - now mine is falling apart.  The rains is having a serious impact on the local economy here - there is no construction going on, no brickmaking, not much farming, etc.  So no one has cash and no one is shopping at the local grocery stores.  Kind of a downward spiral.  They all blame the rain on el Nino - (which translated is “the nino”). 
Yesterday was a very good day for us.  We awoke to a light rain and thought “oh no, no one will come to church today”.  But in the end we had 35 people in attendance (and one small dog).  It was testimony meeting and there were so many strong and sincere testimonies shared.  We really enjoyed the ones in Spanish since we can only partially understand the ones in Guarani.  We are so grateful for those faithful members who come to church, come rain or shine.
This week we also had instruction and interviews with President McMullin.  He taught all of the missionaries the importance of being obedient, and that there really are no excuses for not being obedient.  As a result of his instruction, we chose to not participate in an outing to a famous hill about 2 hours away - a wonderful place for pictures.  It is out of our zone and thus not appropriate for us to travel there.  He is a great President and we have grown to love him and his family very much.  He brought a small cooler full of goodies for Cheryl.  Sis McMullin called from the Super Seis Supermarket about 10 days ago and said that she found some chocolate chips - real ones.  So Cheryl ordered several bags of chips, two bags of marshmallows, 2 brownie mixes, and 3 containers of Hersheys cocoa.  What a find.  We can make all kinds of treats for Christmas.
We went to Concepcion for Presidency meeting on Thursday, but we left early and visited for an hour or so with Alex and Hilda - some of our favorites.  They sell imported goods, but they also make all kinds of good and interesting foods and share recipes.  Alex also has a small garden and he started a few plants for us. They are a Brazilian plant with very large leaves.  You can eat it in a salad or in a smoothie.  They are great folks and we really enjoy visiting them.  Hilda also gave us a recipe for pineapple upside down cake as the season for fresh pineapple is here.  The pineapple are small, but they are sweet!
We had two Family Home Evening appointments this week.  One is with three youth who joined the church without any family support.  Their mom is living and working in Spain (8 years now) and the dad is never around.  They need a fair amount of support from the branch to stay on track.  The second was with a great family who, according to the dad, is 100% on everything about the church… except they don’t come to church each Sunday.  We are working to help correct this incorrect assumption.  You can't be 100% if you don't attend church and partake of the Sacrament.
We are working with the District and Branch leaders to be more effective, and hopefully committed to their callings.  We have started using agendas for meetings, plan our Sacrament meetings more than 1 hour before they start, and are having Presidency and Branch Council meetings.  A long way to go, but we are starting. 
We now have a 2nd counselor in the District Presidency.  He is Elder Guterres and he and his wife are the only other couple missionaries in our mission.  They are from Brasil and he speaks pretty good Spanish.  The Hermana Guterres speaks mostly Portugues.  She and Sister Cranney get along pretty well.   Our District President is from Paraguay, I am from the US, and Elder Guterres is from Brasil.  Pretty fun to work with them. 
We are relatively healthy and enjoying the work. We have been blessed thus far with no major sicknesses, just the normal kind of stuff you get in South America. 
Thanks again for everything.  Love you all. 
Jerry and Cheryl

1 - Our favorite hamburgers at Lometeria San Lucas.  You can see they wrote their name on the top of the burger in garlic sauce.
2-  A goat resting.
3-  A nursery (Vivero) near our house named Achu.  Especially relevant for those who have allergies or hay fever.  Smiling face with smiling eyes

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