Saturday, August 13, 2016

Horqueta - 1 de Agosto 2016


1- part of our garden. It is growing really well, we hope it produces fruit soon.

2- The Anniversary cake from the Duartes. A month late but truly appreciated.


Greetings to all. The time has come to turn the calendar one more time. We cannot believe how the time is now flying by.

Today was a great Preparation Day. All of the missionaries from Concepcion joined us here in Horqueta and we all went out to the Branch President’s ranch for games and lunch. They played volleyball and futbol, and we had a lunch of chicken(cooked in Hna Duartes tatacua - brick oven), rice salad, fried mandioca, soda, and two kinds of cake. Cheryl made her famous carrot cake and hna Duarte made a very large three layer sheet cake. We took some of our hot chiles that are growing in our garden. Some of the Elders were brave enough to try them, and then spent the next several minutes with cold water running from the faucet into their mouths. They are hot chiles!

We received word today that we can accompany the Daisy Duarte and her family to the temple this week. It will be a great experience and we are honored and humbled that they would invite us. We will be on the road two days - Wednesday and Thursday.

Yesterday we went to Tacuati for church, for training, and to visit the members. It was a good day at the group - we taught about the importance of callings and of fulfilling them. We showed them the video “Only a Stonecutter” and it was powerful. We had a good lunch with Mauricio and his wife Fatima, and then we had training on Home and Visiting Teaching. We visited a bit and then returned home to attend a Family Home Evening / Birthday Party at the Martinez home. It was a good day. We also had great attendance at our meetings - 30 in Tacuati and 52 in Horqueta. Probably one of the highest attendance numbers we have seen in some time.

On the 26th (Tuesday) the Duartes invited us to come to lunch. We gladly accepted - and when we arrived everyone said “Congratulations”. The thanked them but asked why. They said that it was our wedding anniversary. The 26th was correct but in June, not July. 😂 We all had a good laugh.

Our garden is doing well. We have plants, but no fruit from, green beans, peas, hot peppers, tomatoes, green peppers, strawberries, spinach, and we have eaten all of our leaf lettuce. We are excited.

We are doing well. We fasted for the branch in Horqueta and the group in Tacuati and we believe that our prayers have been heard. We love the good people here, and pray for their success.

It is getting hot again, nearly 90 degrees today. Much too hot for me.

We love you all and appreciate all that you do.

Jerry and Cheryl

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