Sunday, October 23, 2016

Horqueta: 5 Sept 2016

1- Lometeria y Hamburgeria San Lucas - where we eat burgers and Fries
2- Papaya for breakfast
3- Cheryl and two of the girls from our branch - Vanesa and Karina


Winter is still here in northern Paraguay.  It has been a cold and rainy week, and when that happens here in Horqueta most activity slows or stops.  Church attendance yesterday was way down and the missionaries don’t have as much success contacting.  Most people go into their homes in the late afternoon / early evening, close up the doors and windows, and don’t show their faces until the next day.  We know of some members who actually retire for the evening between 7:30 and 8:00 pm.  At our house, we turn on the little electric heater we have and stay dressed with sweaters, sweatshirts, slippers, socks, etc.  I even sleep with wool socks at night to stay warmer!
We received here in the branch the booklet published by the church called “Teaching in Manner of the Savior”.  As missionaries we are trying to work with the branch leadership to help them and all of the teachers in the branch to see how we should be teaching the gospel and why.  It is a different approach than the traditional manner to teach - focusing more on the class members and their needs, and less on giving a beautiful presentation each week.  By helping the class members learn for themselves, they learn better, remember better, and strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ and his restored gospel.  It isn’t easy, especially here, but we are going to give it our best shot.  We plan to include our youth, who are about 50% of our branch right now.  They all are taking turns teaching the youth Sunday School class each week.  This is a huge step for many of them as they have only been members for 1-2 years and have never taught a lesson / class in their lives.  But they are willing to learn!
This week Carlos Colman, an employee of the church who does building maintenance in the north, was at the Horqueta chapel delivering cleaning supplies, fixing lights, etc.  He brought from the Nivacle Indians several crafts that they make and sell to help support their families.  We purchased several things that we are very excited about….you will see them when we get home.  🙆  The Nivacle group was first contacted by the church in the 1980s by missionaries.  When they were introduced to the Book of Mormon and the stories it contains, they said “Hey, this is the book of our people, where did you get it?”   Many of the Nivacle joined the church, they have a couple of branches up in the Chaco, and they have sent several missionaries on full-time missions.
This week we helped deliver new bedframes and mattresses to some of the missionaries.  Unfortunately not all were delivered as ordered, so we are trying to find a local supplier.  Many of the missionaries, elders and sisters, sleep on weak, creaky, and old bedframes.  The mattresses are not good at all.  One of the missionaries said his mattress sagged so much that he didn’t know if he was sleeping on a bed or in a hammock.   The mission is working hard to replace as many of the beds as they can. 
I am working on a training packet for the branch financial audits.  We are finding that historically the auditors were afraid of a confrontation with the branch presidents so many of the questions on the audit weren’t asked or glossed over.  Now we are trying to teach them why the financial guidelines are so important and how they help protect the leaders as well as the funds of the church.  Also, the materials should be important when we have changes in leadership in a branch, 
Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting at church.  Even though the Horqueta branch is very small, they have the best testimony meetings.  Many of the testimonies are in Yopara, or a combination of Spanish and guarani, so we can understand at least part of it.  Many of the youth bear their testimonies each month, and it is wonderful to see and hear their progress as they read their scriptures, pray, and attend their meetings.  We love these people.
We are doing well….relatively healthy and safe. 
Thanks to each of you for your love and support.

Jerry and Cheryl

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