Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Horqueta 11 Julio 2016

1- Homemade (by the Hermana Duarte) empanadas with mandioca flour and the other is a mixture of meat and mandioca - all deep fried.
2- Our pickup truck - on the way to Tacuati
3- Hna Cranney on the new bridge over the Arroyo Paso Ita
4- President and Sister Evans - we are thrilled to work with them
5- I am becoming Paraguayan - we had a rattle in the front bumper so until we can get it fixed I stuck a popsicle stick between the bumper and the fender.  Seems to work for now.

Greetings and we hope you all have had a good week.  We are forging ahead, doing our best to serve the Lord and the good people here in northern Paraguay.
Yesterday our attendance for Sacrament Meeting was up both in Horqueta and in Tacuati.  We have been visiting more and the missionaries are working very hard to invite both investigators and members to participate with us regularly.
We have been working on the ward mission plans for all of the branches in the Concepcion District.  We have a fairly simple format for them to follow, they set the goals, document them including how, who, and when - and then we go to work.  The focus is on people - members who are less active, new members who need some additional support, and investigators who are looking the truth and for happiness and may not know where to find it.  We are making progress and the members are starting to feel the excitement of doing the Lord’s work.
On Wednesday our friend Kelly took us fabric shopping (woo hoo) for skirts for Cheryl.  When they picked out the fabric we went to Kelly’s seamstress for he to make the skirts.  It was the same seamstress who had shortened the sleeves on my white shirts and who had taken in the waistband on all of my pants.  We had a good laugh over that.
We went to Tacuati on Thursday to work with the group leader for a few hours.  The group is struggling a bit with some of the members saying that they want to be the leader, they want to plan the meetings, etc even though they have not been called and are not very active.  We are trying to teach them that the church is not a social club or like other churches.  We believe that callings come from God- and we can accept them or not, but we dTheon’t try to run the church when we have not been called. We do plan to visit this Sunday afternoon for a class and for interviews and callings.  They are wonderful people and just need a little help now and then.
We have been very blessed to see the fruits of our labors - from the seeds we have distributed in Tacuati and Horqueta.  Most of the members have hearty gardens and are eating lettuce already.  Pte Duarte has given us two big bags of lettuce which we have really enjoyed.  It is great to see the members become a bit more self sufficient and to see them eat more vegetables.
There was a baptism Saturday night while we were at meetings in Concepcion. I was blessed to interview Vanesa for her baptism.  She is 12 years old, and is the niece of a branch member.  The Elders taught her well, but were concerned about how much she understood in Spanish,  So our branch mission leader spent some time with her repassing the lessons in Guarani.  During the interview she clearly was well prepared and ready to be baptized.  It was a great experience even though we weren’t able to attend the baptism.  Cheryl made a white skirt for Vanesa, she bought a white blouse for a dollar, and she made two cakes for the baptism.
Everyone here is getting sick, and we have been giving many Priesthood blessings.  I love their faith.
We love you all.

Jerry and Cheryl

Horqueta, Paraguay 4 Julio 2016

1- The garden of Richard and Adelaida en Tacuati from seeds we provided.  We are so excited and so are they!
2- Pedro Garcia’s house and property in Tacuati.  He is the Group Leader for the church, is a breadmaker, and they are a wonderful family.
3- Cheryl teaching Brisa how to make lemon poppyseed muffins.

Happy 4th of July!  🍉

We have had a good and busy week here in Horqueta.
The big news here is that President and Sister McMullin completed their 3 years of service as Mission President of the Paraguay Asuncion North Mission and have returned home.  We grew to truly love and appreciate this good family and their devotion, service, and sacrifice for the missionary work here in Paraguay.   Our new mission President, President Evans and his family arrived last Friday and we have two meetings with them today in Concepcion - one at 1:30 with the missionaries and another at 6:00 pm with as the District Presidency.   We are excited to meet them.
We went to Tacuati yesterday for the first time in nearly 3 months.  The members were quick to remind us that it had been 3 months, but we patiently explained that the Mission President asked us not to travel there after the murder of the mayor, and then with the elections 2 Sundays in a row it was not safe for us to be there (they get a little rowdy during election time).   We enjoyed our Principles of the Gospel Class and Testimony meeting with the members - 25 in attendance.  They are such sweet and humble people and really want to enjoy all of the blessings of the Gospel in their lives.  We then went to the home of Pedro Garcia and Miryan  for lunch.  We had beef, pasta, mandioca, black beans, cabbage and tomato salad, and bread (Pedro is a panadero) with fresh fruit juice.  It was delicious!  We then had a Priesthood preparation class with Sergio, Juan, Alberto, and Pedro.  It was really good and they all participated.  We focus on the basics such as “what is the Priesthood”, what are the offices and duties of the Priesthood, what are the Authority and Power of the Priesthood, etc.  We usually teach the same principles 2 or 3 times to make sure that they all get it.  (Juan and Alberto are both young deacons in the Group).  We then went with the Elders and the branch mission leader to teach a lesson to a recent convert (Adelaida) and her husband Richard.  It went well, but one of their big dogs was very friendly and wanted to play.  Funny but quite a disruption.
On Thursday we went to lunch at the home of Pte Avalos in Concepcion.  He and his family are so wonderful.  It had been nearly a year since we last visited them in their home.  We had a wonderful meal and helped prepare the meal.  Cheryl helped with the green salad, I stared the grill for the grilled pineapple, and I peeled the grapefruit for the grapefruit juice.  We really enjoyed the time we spent with them.  His brother moved to SLC and has married an American girl and they have several young children  They are planning a visit to Paraguay in Julio.  It would be fun to meet them.
We had branch council Friday night to finalize our Branch Mission Plan for the Rama Horqueta.  Unfortunately the President was working so I led the council.  We had a good meeting and our plan is nearly ready for the next 3 months.  We are starting to see a little more enthusiasm among the leaders of the branch.
We love our work here in Paraguay, and are so blessed to be “lejos”, or far away in the north of Paraguay.  It is much more peaceful here, the people are humble and friendly, and we are learning so much.   We expect things to happen overnight - but they don’t.  We expect to have everything we need or want - but we don’t.  We don’t want to have bugs in our house - but we do.  We are eating new kinds of food everyday - and we love it. We probably should be afraid of some of the things we see and do - but we know that the Lord is watching over us.  We get frustrated, often, with the leaders and members - but we love them.  We miss our family so much - but we know we are where we need to be. 

We pray that you will all be safe and sound.
Love you,
Jerry and Cheryl

Horqueta: 27 June 2016

1- Our last zone conference with President and Sister McMullin.  They go home on July 1.  They are wonderful people!  (Note:  I am standing next to Elder Behrens from Boise, ID)
2- Missionaries at the Zone Activity - great missionaries!
3- Part of our garden with peas and green beans.  Not very common here in Paraguay.
4-  Cheryl with Daisy Duarte and the youth activity this week.  Daisy has submitted her mission application and is just waiting for her call.
5- Chery with our 2 hermanas in Horqueta - both from Argentina.  Hermana Francani and Hermana Robles. 
6- Our good friends here in Horqueta - Ramona (in the middle) is the owner of a bookstore here in Horqueta.  Her daughter Kelly is wonderful and is going to help Cheryl get some new clothes.  Kelly’s daughter Sofia is learning to play the Paraguayan Harp.  Sofia is finishing her last year in High School.

We have had a very good week.  We love the opportunity to serve in the Lord’s vineyard, and we feel such joy when we see people progress in their understanding and acceptance of the gospel. 
We also love serving the good missionaries who serve so diligently here in Paraguay and throughout the world. 
This week we delivered a refrigerator to the 2 sister missionaries in Concepcion because theirs was leaking water all over the floor of their apartment and had been doing it for many months.   We found that other Elders in Concepcion had 2 extra refrigerators in their apartment from mission apartments that had been closed.  So we drove to Concepcion and with the help of Elder Behrens and his companion we hauled a fridge to the hermanas (so great to have a pickup).  Later that night the hermanas called and said that the fridge stopped working….bummer.   So the next morning we repeated the process and moved another fridge to the hermanas house.  This one works!  And they were so patient and appreciative. 
Today we cooked for and fed 16 missionaries for a Zone activity.  Cheryl made sweet and sour chicken over rice, bread, mandarinas and bananas, and carrot cake for dessert.  Most of the missionaries loved it….but a few of the latin elders just don’t like American food that much. But we enjoyed helping and love to spend time with the missionaries.
Last Monday we spent part of the day cooking with the Horqueta missionaries.  The two hermanas are from Argentina, and they taught us how to make empanadas.  they turned out really well, we enjoyed the food and the activity and then we took empanadas to the Martinez family.  Sis Martinez had surgery and has been healing slowly.  It was a very good experience.
Friday night we had a Fiesta for the youth in the entire District of Concepcion.  We all helped docorate, make ties for the boys and hairbows for the girls, and selfie frames for fotos.  There was a DJ and food as well.  We were so excited that many people came, including many investigators / non- members.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
This week we had a wonderful missionary correlation with our ward mission leader.  His name is Wilson Garay and he served a mission in Tijuana Mexico.  We are making real progress in working with the members and finding new people to teach.  Our branch mission plan is taking shape and we are focusing on how the members can be more involved from start to finish.
Sunday was a very busy yet fulfilling day.  We had early church meetings at the Rama 2 in Concepcion at 8:00 am.   I taught the Sunday School class on the topic of member missionary work, gave a talk on the importance of the scriptures, and then we returned to Horqueta for our Priesthood Preparation class.  We had a good lesson and enjoy working with such fine young men. 
June 26 was our wedding anniversary - 37 years now.  Seems nearly impossible that Cheryl has put up with me for so many years.   The evening before we went out for dinner and that was about it.  Not too much excitement here in Horqueta! So grateful for Cheryl and for the opportunity to serve full time with her here in the mission. 

We love you and thank you for your love, your prayers, and your support.

Jerry and Cheryl

20 June 2016

1- Home Evening with the Martinez family and members of the branch
2- What missionaries do with bugs they find in their houses.

Hello to all:
We have had a wonderful week here in the mission in Paraguay.  We love being remote in the Northern part of the country where life is simpler, traffic is not a problem, and people are so wonderful.  We love our mission, we love the Horqueta Branch, we love the missionaries with whom we serve, and most of all we love our family for their support during these 18 months of missionary service. 
Early in the week we had the assignment to drive to Yby Yau, Santa Rosa, and Santani to install smoke / carbon monoxide detectors in the houses of all missionaries.  We love seeing and visiting with all of the missionaries and helping keep them safe.  We had lunch with the Guterres, the other couple from Brasil serving in Santani.  We love them and even though Hermana Cranney and Hermana Guterres don’t speak the same languages, they get along great.  We had a funny experience in Yby Yau where in the morning we installed their detector, and when we were ready to pass by in the afternoon to drop off a treat we were told that they were leaving that evening to work in another area….so we stopped by and removed the detector!
We have been working with members in Horqueta, Tacuati, and a little in Concepcion to help the members plant gardens.  Most Paraguayans here eat meat, mandioca, rice, and noodles.  Not many eat vegetables because they are so expensive.  So we have provided vegetable seeds to all of the folks who wanted to plant a garden.  We heard the other day that many of the Tacuati members are already eating produce from their gardens!  Other areas are a little later getting started. We also helped our friend and neighbor Magdalena plant a small garden in her yard and we seeds are starting to sprout.  We are excited to help her as she is a single mom with 2 children.  She cuts and colors our hair (you can figure out who does what 😊.   She is a great neighbor and friend.
Last evening we had a Noche do Hogar Guazu - or Big Home Evening at the home of the Martinez family (see photo).  We had many of the youth of the branch attend, and the missionaries lead the group in studying the Book of Mormon.  We also discuss what it says, as many of the members here can read Spanish but don’t understand it well.  It was a nice evening even though it was raining and we all had to huddle under the covered patio for the meeting.
We had planned to go to Tacuati yesterday for Sunday meetings, but Pedro Garcia the group leader called me and said that the elections for one of the political parties (Colorados) was yesterday and it probably would not be very safe for us to be there, and next week is the election for the Liberales so we probably won’t be visiting for a couple of weeks.  We are so grateful for good members and friends who help watch over us and keep us safe here in the backwoods of Paraguay.
Last Thursday morning at 635 am I received a call from our branch president informing me that the previous evening there had been a big gunfight / drug war in Pedro Juan Caballero, about 2 hours from here.  We have 4 sets of missionaries in Pedro Juan and he was very concerned for their safety.  It appears that the Brasilian drug lords murdered the head of the Paraguayan drug business while he was driving his armored Hummer with 3 cars of bodyguards following him.  They Brasilians used a 50 caliber machine gun to pierce the armored Hummer and murder him.  The gunfight that followed lasted at least 30 minutes with thousands of rounds of ammunition fired.  All of the missionaries are safe and have been allowed to leave their houses only during daylight hours.  Several of the business owned by the drug lord in Pedro Juan have also been burned and 3 more people were murdered last night.  In our recent Zone conference, President McMullin shared the following story.   He described briefly what had happened and reminded us that 2 sets of missionaries live just 2 blocks from the shooting location.  He said that the sister missionaries were walking home when the shooting started.  At first they thought it was fireworks, but then realized it was gunfire.  Just at that moment, the branch president passed by in his pickup and said, “hermanas, hurry and get in and we will take to you a chapel on the other side of town”.  What is the probability that the President would pass by the hermanas at that very moment and rescue them from a really bad situation?   Pretty likely for missionaries who have angels watching over them.   We have all been truly blessed with protection during our entire mission. 
We hope everyone had a wonderful fathers day, and that everyone is healthy.   We love hearing from you and we love using WhatsApp which allows us to text and send photos back and forth.   We use it for family and even missionaries from Latin America who have returned home.  We had a good discussion last night with Elder Simao from Brasil. 
Time to go….we are making empanadas with the two sister missionaries from Argentina.   We plan to have a good meal but also take empanadas to the RS president who recently has surgery.
We love and appreciate you all. 
Jerry and Cheryl.

Paraguay: 13 Junio 2016

1- The family of Adelaida at her baptism.
2-  Cheryl and Magdalena who colors and cuts hair.
3- An interesting sign in the mission office.  The office elders seem to struggle with driving in Asuncion.
4-  Hermana Nuckles and Hermana Solórzano checking out the cockroaches in their oven (and their fridge, their cupboards, etc).
5- Some elders houses have interesting things on the walls.

Well, it seems a long time since we last wrote.  We were in Asuncion all last week doing house inspections.  They are a lot of work and not very popular with the missionaries, but when the President assigns us to go and do…..we go and do.  We also teach why it is so important to have a clean house: 1) it is a rule of the mission and obedience brings blessings, 2) The house of the Lord is a house of order, and the missionaries need to have the Spirit in their homes when they study and when they plan, and 3) we don’t want the missionaries to get sick.  There are a lot of bugs and sickness here in Paraguay and if the house is clean there is one less chance for illness.  We really enjoyed seeing so many missionaries, many of whom we have grown to know and love.   Also, the McMullins are so wonderful to host us in their home when we are there.
We worked Saturday morning and into the afternoon and then drove home.  We had challenges with construction near Asuncion and arrived home at about 10:30 pm.   A long and challenging drive.
Probably one of the highlights of our mission was the baptism of Adelaida, a sister from Tacuati.  After the missionaries were pulled out of Tacuati, the members picked up the slack and continued with the work of finding, teaching, activating, etc.  Two of Adelaida’s children, Juan and Luana were baptized a few months ago.  She has been attending church in Tacuati for as long as I can remember.  She was ready to get baptized in April but her mom got sick and had to have surgery.  We planned again for May, but a week prior to her baptism the mayor of Tacuati was murdered in the street - so President McMullin said that we could not visit for a while.  They we planned her baptism for here in Horqueta and invited the whole group from Tacuati to come and join them.  It rained so much that nothing could get out of Tacuati.  Finally a week ago the group came to Horqueta and we had a baptism prior to church.  It was wonderful.  I had the chance to conduct the baptismal interview and she was so ready and excited to get baptized.  Her brother Sergio baptized and confirmed her.  He is an Elder in Tacuati.  
It is such a treat to see the blessings of the gospel change lives.  It is so easy to get caught up in the administrative things that we do here in the mission that at times we forget why we are really here. 
It has been really cold here - winter has arrived with a vengeance.  This morning when we work up it was 37 degrees outside - and the houses have no insulation.  We didn’t want to get out of bed and shower.  Thankfully we have a hot shower that works well.
Our garden is starting really slow.  We were a few weeks late in planting and the cold weather has slowed things down as well.   We have been told that if we plant prior to July we should be fine.  We planted tomatoes, green peppers, onions, spinach, cucumbers, parsley, and broccoli.  We hope to enjoy many fresh vegetables this year.  Justin mailed beans and peas to us which we will plant tomorrow.
It is late so I will close.  We love and appreciate you all.  Thanks for your wonderful examples and support.
Jerry and Cheryl

Horqueta Misc fotos 30Mayo2016

1- Elder Piriz and Elder McNulty.  Elder Piriz ripped his pants.  The hole is big enough for our truck to drive through.
2- My new camera battery and the sheet of instructions and warnings that came with it. 
3-  The brethren of the Horqueta branch preparing to leave for Priesthood meeting in Concepcion.
4- Our lunch and Shopping China in Pedro Juan.  Meat, potatoes, rice, fried eggs, salad, beans, and soda. 
5- Selfies with Hermana Scott and Hermana Francani.  We can’t leave Sister Scott alone with our phones or selfies magically appear. 


Fotos from Paraguay 30 Mayo 2016

We were invite to a baptismal service and birthday party for Camila Giovanna Avalos, daughter of the branch president in Rama 2 in Concepcion.

1- Camilo y Camila Avalos
2- Camila at her birthday party that followed the baptism
3- Table centerpiece
4- Birthday cake
5- Camila with only a part of the decorations and treats!

Quite an event!

Elder Cranney Fotos

Just thought I would send a photo of a trio of missionaries that we took late one night in the office.  We all realized that we had the same uniform….grey slacks, black sweater, etc.
The other two are Elder Nyberg and Elder Bickley.

Love you all.