Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Horqueta, Paraguay 4 Julio 2016

1- The garden of Richard and Adelaida en Tacuati from seeds we provided.  We are so excited and so are they!
2- Pedro Garcia’s house and property in Tacuati.  He is the Group Leader for the church, is a breadmaker, and they are a wonderful family.
3- Cheryl teaching Brisa how to make lemon poppyseed muffins.

Happy 4th of July!  🍉

We have had a good and busy week here in Horqueta.
The big news here is that President and Sister McMullin completed their 3 years of service as Mission President of the Paraguay Asuncion North Mission and have returned home.  We grew to truly love and appreciate this good family and their devotion, service, and sacrifice for the missionary work here in Paraguay.   Our new mission President, President Evans and his family arrived last Friday and we have two meetings with them today in Concepcion - one at 1:30 with the missionaries and another at 6:00 pm with as the District Presidency.   We are excited to meet them.
We went to Tacuati yesterday for the first time in nearly 3 months.  The members were quick to remind us that it had been 3 months, but we patiently explained that the Mission President asked us not to travel there after the murder of the mayor, and then with the elections 2 Sundays in a row it was not safe for us to be there (they get a little rowdy during election time).   We enjoyed our Principles of the Gospel Class and Testimony meeting with the members - 25 in attendance.  They are such sweet and humble people and really want to enjoy all of the blessings of the Gospel in their lives.  We then went to the home of Pedro Garcia and Miryan  for lunch.  We had beef, pasta, mandioca, black beans, cabbage and tomato salad, and bread (Pedro is a panadero) with fresh fruit juice.  It was delicious!  We then had a Priesthood preparation class with Sergio, Juan, Alberto, and Pedro.  It was really good and they all participated.  We focus on the basics such as “what is the Priesthood”, what are the offices and duties of the Priesthood, what are the Authority and Power of the Priesthood, etc.  We usually teach the same principles 2 or 3 times to make sure that they all get it.  (Juan and Alberto are both young deacons in the Group).  We then went with the Elders and the branch mission leader to teach a lesson to a recent convert (Adelaida) and her husband Richard.  It went well, but one of their big dogs was very friendly and wanted to play.  Funny but quite a disruption.
On Thursday we went to lunch at the home of Pte Avalos in Concepcion.  He and his family are so wonderful.  It had been nearly a year since we last visited them in their home.  We had a wonderful meal and helped prepare the meal.  Cheryl helped with the green salad, I stared the grill for the grilled pineapple, and I peeled the grapefruit for the grapefruit juice.  We really enjoyed the time we spent with them.  His brother moved to SLC and has married an American girl and they have several young children  They are planning a visit to Paraguay in Julio.  It would be fun to meet them.
We had branch council Friday night to finalize our Branch Mission Plan for the Rama Horqueta.  Unfortunately the President was working so I led the council.  We had a good meeting and our plan is nearly ready for the next 3 months.  We are starting to see a little more enthusiasm among the leaders of the branch.
We love our work here in Paraguay, and are so blessed to be “lejos”, or far away in the north of Paraguay.  It is much more peaceful here, the people are humble and friendly, and we are learning so much.   We expect things to happen overnight - but they don’t.  We expect to have everything we need or want - but we don’t.  We don’t want to have bugs in our house - but we do.  We are eating new kinds of food everyday - and we love it. We probably should be afraid of some of the things we see and do - but we know that the Lord is watching over us.  We get frustrated, often, with the leaders and members - but we love them.  We miss our family so much - but we know we are where we need to be. 

We pray that you will all be safe and sound.
Love you,
Jerry and Cheryl

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