Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Horqueta: 27 June 2016

1- Our last zone conference with President and Sister McMullin.  They go home on July 1.  They are wonderful people!  (Note:  I am standing next to Elder Behrens from Boise, ID)
2- Missionaries at the Zone Activity - great missionaries!
3- Part of our garden with peas and green beans.  Not very common here in Paraguay.
4-  Cheryl with Daisy Duarte and the youth activity this week.  Daisy has submitted her mission application and is just waiting for her call.
5- Chery with our 2 hermanas in Horqueta - both from Argentina.  Hermana Francani and Hermana Robles. 
6- Our good friends here in Horqueta - Ramona (in the middle) is the owner of a bookstore here in Horqueta.  Her daughter Kelly is wonderful and is going to help Cheryl get some new clothes.  Kelly’s daughter Sofia is learning to play the Paraguayan Harp.  Sofia is finishing her last year in High School.

We have had a very good week.  We love the opportunity to serve in the Lord’s vineyard, and we feel such joy when we see people progress in their understanding and acceptance of the gospel. 
We also love serving the good missionaries who serve so diligently here in Paraguay and throughout the world. 
This week we delivered a refrigerator to the 2 sister missionaries in Concepcion because theirs was leaking water all over the floor of their apartment and had been doing it for many months.   We found that other Elders in Concepcion had 2 extra refrigerators in their apartment from mission apartments that had been closed.  So we drove to Concepcion and with the help of Elder Behrens and his companion we hauled a fridge to the hermanas (so great to have a pickup).  Later that night the hermanas called and said that the fridge stopped working….bummer.   So the next morning we repeated the process and moved another fridge to the hermanas house.  This one works!  And they were so patient and appreciative. 
Today we cooked for and fed 16 missionaries for a Zone activity.  Cheryl made sweet and sour chicken over rice, bread, mandarinas and bananas, and carrot cake for dessert.  Most of the missionaries loved it….but a few of the latin elders just don’t like American food that much. But we enjoyed helping and love to spend time with the missionaries.
Last Monday we spent part of the day cooking with the Horqueta missionaries.  The two hermanas are from Argentina, and they taught us how to make empanadas.  they turned out really well, we enjoyed the food and the activity and then we took empanadas to the Martinez family.  Sis Martinez had surgery and has been healing slowly.  It was a very good experience.
Friday night we had a Fiesta for the youth in the entire District of Concepcion.  We all helped docorate, make ties for the boys and hairbows for the girls, and selfie frames for fotos.  There was a DJ and food as well.  We were so excited that many people came, including many investigators / non- members.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
This week we had a wonderful missionary correlation with our ward mission leader.  His name is Wilson Garay and he served a mission in Tijuana Mexico.  We are making real progress in working with the members and finding new people to teach.  Our branch mission plan is taking shape and we are focusing on how the members can be more involved from start to finish.
Sunday was a very busy yet fulfilling day.  We had early church meetings at the Rama 2 in Concepcion at 8:00 am.   I taught the Sunday School class on the topic of member missionary work, gave a talk on the importance of the scriptures, and then we returned to Horqueta for our Priesthood Preparation class.  We had a good lesson and enjoy working with such fine young men. 
June 26 was our wedding anniversary - 37 years now.  Seems nearly impossible that Cheryl has put up with me for so many years.   The evening before we went out for dinner and that was about it.  Not too much excitement here in Horqueta! So grateful for Cheryl and for the opportunity to serve full time with her here in the mission. 

We love you and thank you for your love, your prayers, and your support.

Jerry and Cheryl

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